Online Dating: First Message Tips

You sign up on a site or social media, create a profile, and now you are ready to write your first online dating message to someone who caught your eye, but you freeze when you try to type the words. Should you start off with a simple hello and see if you get a response? Should you wait until they take the dive first? You may have tons of other questions running through your mind, but don’t let those doubts and worries stop you from reaching out to someone you are initially attracted to. If you want online dating to be successful, the first message is crucial. Imagine being the home team at a baseball game and you are up to bat. The bases are loaded, it’s a full count, and your team is down by one run. Do you let your fear and nerves get to you? If you want to be successful, then of course you don’t! You wait for the right pitch, swing your bat, and hope for the best. There is a lot of great advice on writing your online dating first message and it’s really simpler than you think. It’s easy to overcomplicate it and … Continue reading Online Dating: First Message Tips