Is it just me or are movie prices becoming a little too ridiculous? I mean seriously, you pay $10 for the movie (each!), then $6 for a small popcorn, $5 for candy, and $6.50 for the drink.
It’s outrageous I tell you!
That’s why I am here to provide you with cheap date ideas so that you and your significant other can have fun without breaking the bank.
All you need is a creative mind, an open heart, and a few hours to spend time together!
Ready to see the list of cheap date ideas? Let’s get to it!
1. Redbox Movie with Microwave Popcorn: This is one of the most common cheap date ideas because it replaces the typical dinner and a movie date night. Honestly, I think this is a better deal because you get to sit on a comfortable couch while being wrapped in the arms of your sweetheart!
2. The Book Club: Go to the bookstore with your significant other and choose a book that you both find interesting (or you can find one online if you have a Kindle). Make some time every week to read through the book together and share your thoughts – You may discover something new about your significant other that you never knew before!
3. Miniature Golf: If you are looking for more active cheap date ideas, then mini golf should be on your list. Not only do you get to act like a 5-year-old when you make a hole-in-one, but you also get to see the mad skills (or lack thereof) that your date has. I was always a train wreck on the mini golf course (I think I literally broke every rule and still was lucky to shoot a 70), but I think that made it even more enjoyable.
4. Go Through Old Photos: Word to the wise, this is probably not one of those dates that you want to suggest right off the bat (unless you have absolutely no shame about your date seeing you naked in a bathtub – We all have a photo like that lying around somewhere). On the other hand, this is one of the best cheap date ideas for those couples who want to learn more about family history, memories, and the experiences each person had growing up. Make sure your place is nice and clean before they come over, use a cleaning service Manhattan to save yourself the time, or bust out the rags and handle yourself. This is a must!
5. Karaoke: If you don’t want to do this in public, turn on some music at home and take turns belting out the tunes! You can also check out Karaoke Party for free online karaoke.

6. Drawing Challenge: This one is simple – Agree on something to draw, turn your backs to each other, and then show your drawing to one another when you’re done. The first time my boyfriend and I did this, I couldn’t help but laugh at myself. We agreed to draw a house and I literally have no drawing skills, but my boyfriend is an engineer so I CLEARLY was shown up. It was a great bonding moment for us and I loved getting to see his creative side. *Swoon*
7. Nerf Gun War: Since paintballs hurt and would destroy your walls and carpet, invest in some small Nerf guns and have a Nerf gun war instead! Make sure you scope out all the best hiding places in advance!
8. DIY Project: Y’all, Pinterest is literally CRAWLING with DIY projects these days, so find something you have been wanting to make it and go for it! This is one of those cheap date ideas that is great for learning what each other’s strengths and weaknesses are, as well as establishing solid communication. Maybe a makeup day, try fusion-hair-extensions and spice up your hair for a fun, laughter-filled experience.
9. Take a Stray Boots Scavenger Hunt: This site provides users in select cities (keep checking back if yours is not listed) with a variety of scavenger hunt options that they can complete from their phone. The cost for each tour is very minimal and you have no tour guides to deal with or time constraints! This could be a great way for you both to explore the city together and find new places to check out in the future.
10. Volunteer: Some of the best cheap date ideas are those that allow you to give back to the community and those in need.

11. Go to an Interactive Museum: Museums will vary based on the city you are located, but if you live in a somewhat large city, you should have no problem finding a museum to check out. We got lucky and ended up at a place where we could make music on a light-up floor, fold foil into flowers, and play tug-of-war to learn about physics.
Cheap Date Ideas from Around the Web
The Realistic Mama has a list of 175+ Fun Date Ideas that you should check out!
You’ll also find more inspiration from PopSugar with their 98 Cheap Summer Date Ideas.
There are plenty of other cheap date ideas available, but you may find that some of the best ones are already in your brain! Don’t ever underestimate the power of your creativity – Those ideas that come from the heart typically turn out to be the best, even if things don’t always go perfectly (Like the night you eat as much cookie dough as you want only to end up with a massive stomach ache later, which then results in a roll of Tums and your significant other playing nurse… Don’t ask).
A Few Bonus Ideas…
- Have a Video Game Competition
- Learn a New Skill
- Make a Meal Together
- Drive Around Town Taking Pictures of Cool Things
What are Some of Your Favorite Cheap Date Ideas?
I love Nerf Gun Wars! We don’t go out as much since we have a toddler in the house, so thank you for sharing these ideas!
What a great list! Our go to is to go on a walk together or work on a project in the garage together. With active teens and tween we don’t get much time.
Walks are always nice 🙂 I’m just not a fan of winter so I’m really struggling with outdoor activities right now. Lol.
I love going to museums with my husband! It’s a great date idea, especially if you can go on a day they offer free or discounted admission. We also love to just take a walk around our town’s main street or go to a local hiking trail. Totally counts as exercise too, right? =)
Any movement counts as exercise in my book 😉
Great ideas! I think it might take some coaxing to make my fiance do the book club or a DIY project, but I think those sound so fun 🙂
One of my favourites is spending time doing something the other person enjoys, i.e. their hobbies.
My husband has a kickass telescope, so once in a while he takes it into the backyard so we can talk about his love for what’s up there.
When it’s his turn, he gets to bake or cook yummy foods or explore photography – I have a DSLR.
That sounds awesome Rhonda! What is your favorite thing to take pictures of?
Great ideas! I prefer getting a Redbox movie. It’s much cheaper and in the convenience of your own home without any interruptions!
Really great ideas! We are always looking for new fun things to do together!