Stress-Free Scheduling

Stress-Free Scheduling is a self-paced online training that teaches you how to find your own personal approach to managing your time wisely so that you can be more productive.

Instead of drowning in your to-do list, start implementing productivity and time management techniques that actually work FOR YOU.

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This isn’t your typical time management training.

Discover your best approach to tackling assignments and study sessions so that you can get better grades and have more free time to do those things that you enjoy most.

These are the exact techniques that psychologists, productivity coaches (yes, they exist), and myself have used to take back control of our schedules. No time goes to waste here – It’s all about helping you find YOUR best time management technique and then watching you sail into the sunset of success.


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You’ll Learn How To:

Be Intentional, Proactive, and Thoughtful with Your Time

You’ll begin by completing a questionnaire accessing your current level of time management. From there, you will learn how to see your schedule as an opportunity and present some awesome data that will explain exactly what time management traits result in a higher GPA.

Create a Schedule That Works For You (a Step-by-Step Guide for Creating a Productive Schedule)

These lessons cover everything you need to organize a daily/weekly schedule that results in high levels of productivity. Graphics are included to show you EXACTLY how to set up your day-to-day life. And guess what? Your weekends are full of free time if you follow this plan!

How to Prioritize Tasks and Take Back Control of Your Time

You will be presented with a variety of time management and productivity techniques, including all the little details that it takes to execute them in your daily life. There are techniques for everyone, including the massive procrastinators out there!

Understand the Science Behind Your Productivity (or Lack Thereof)

You’ll walk away understanding how your brain processes information and how you can use that information to up your productivity and time management game.

What this course includes:

  • Over 10 lessons of actionable content that will teach you how to start managing your time better TODAY
  • Worksheets to help you work through each lesson’s content
  • Video tutorial from yours truly
  • Lifetime access to the content through the course platform

Who this is for:

  • College students who are sick of being overwhelmed and want to enjoy some free time without stressing about getting everything done before it’s due
  • Students who have tried various time management techniques, but just haven’t found one that works for them (which means procrastination is probably operating at full force still)
  • Parents who want to help their students find a time management technique that works for them
  • High school students that want an advantage when they enter college (because you’ll know exactly how to set up your schedule before even stepping on-campus for the first time)

What happens when you buy now:

  • After clicking the “buy now” button, you’ll be asked to enroll as a student
  • Once you’ve signed up, you’ll have instant access to all of the training modules
  • You will also receive an email with a direct link that takes you to the course

Here’s what your life could be like after:


  • You crawl into bed with a smile on your face because you see everything on your to-do list checked off
  • You watch your favorite TV show for an hour without cringing over not being prepared for your test on Friday
  • Your grades are better because you’ve figured out how your brain takes in information and handles productivity
  • You finally sign up for that club/organization you’ve wanted to participate in for so long but just never had the time for
  • You walk around campus with confidence because you feel in-control of your life again

“Stress Free Scheduling isn’t just a game changer, it’s a LIFE CHANGER. Here I am only a week in and I’ve already had the most productive semester of my college career. No matter how crappy you think your time management skills are, you’re not too far gone for this course to fix it. I’ve always been the worst procrastinator, “do semester projects the night before they’re due” person. Now, thanks to SFS, my college life is set. I feel less overwhelmed with better sleep and grades than ever before. And Tori’s there to help every second of the way! I’d pay double for this course than what it’s priced at- seriously, you need to sign up.” – Courtney/Former Chronic Procrastinator

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the training?

The training is self-paced and students will have lifetime access to all of the content included (including updates)!

What if I’m not fully satisfied?

If you aren’t satisfied with your purchase, you may request a refund by emailing Refunds are available within 10 days of purchase.