6 Simple Ways to Turn Your Apartment into a Photography Studio

Do you want to take your photography to the next level? Do you want to get the most out of your images and make them look great on paper and online? If so, then you need to start using a photography studio.

A proper photography studio can help you achieve professional results and make your photos look great. But how can you turn your apartment into a photography studio? Read on to learn how to transform it!

  1. Use Your Wall as Your Backdrop

Most people have a love-hate relationship with their walls. They want to cover it with artwork and posters, but they don’t want to drill holes in it. The solution is simple; frame your photography with your wall! It will look professional and help you make use of your wall’s height.

With time, you can get a professional photo backdrop.

  1. Use Some Basic Lighting

If you have basic lighting hardware, you can use it for your photography studio setup. Start by hanging some lights above the back of your sofa to provide some lighting for the portrait or landscape shots you take.

Use these lights as simple reflectors for more light when taking portraits. When using these lights as reflectors, be sure to put the lights behind the sofa or bookshelf to look more professional.

  1. Use a Tripod or Similar Stand

You can also use a tripod to make your studio setup more professional. Set up the tripod in front of your sofa or on the bookshelf and take your shots from there. This will reduce any camera shake and ensure you get more professional shots.

  1. Use Beauty Dish or Reflector to Increase Glow

If you want to create a more beautiful studio lighting setup, you should always use a beauty dish and reflectors as your light. They will increase all the beauty grades of your photos. Set up the beauty dish or reflector directly in front of the sofa to create an even more aesthetically pleasing studio lighting setup.

Be sure that you set the exposure properly for your photography studio. Some people might not put proper exposure on their pictures, but it is crucial to ensure that all your shots are correctly exposed to get the perfect result.

  1. Improve the atmosphere inside the studio with music

Some people prefer to play music while taking photos and that is fine. Always try to enhance the atmosphere inside your studio by adding some music and lights. This makes your studio more relaxed and creative for you and your clients.

  1. Create a Beautiful Exposure by Using a Graduated Filter

This is the most crucial thing you need to master as it will give you an amazing gradation between the brightest (white) and the darkest (black) areas of your photo. It, in turn, helps you create more beautiful photos.


Studios can take a lot of time to set up properly, but if you want to make them look great, you just need the right tools for the job. The above-mentioned setups are perfect for small spaces, such as your apartment and can transform them into a beautiful photo studio.

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