7 Steps To Find Your Dream Career

Finding a dream job can be challenging. There’s a lot of work out there, but there’s only a small sliver that’s really compatible with you and who you are.

The good news is that there is a process for finding the ideal job for you. Following it increases the chances that you’ll get something that really suits your personality, goals, and aspirations.

So, what do you need to do? Let’s take a look.

Step 1: Identify Your Hard Skills

The first step is to list all the things that you can do right now that can generate economic value for other people. For instance:

  • Marketing
  • Writing
  • Web development
  • Risk management
  • HTML code
  • Invoicing

Step 2: Think About Your Soft Skills

The next step is to think about all the other skills you have which aren’t necessarily technical or quantifiable like a traditional education. Skills you might want to deploy include:

  • Leadership
  • Decisiveness
  • Conflict resolution
  • Teamwork
  • Confidence
  • Situational awareness

If you’re not sure what you’re good at, canvas a diverse range of people you know and see if there are any common patterns. Describe your strengths in as much detail as you can so you can get it clear in your mind what you can do. It’s about self-knowledge.

Step 3: Look At Sectors Where You Can Deploy Your Strength

People spend all their lives working on their weaknesses, trying to iron them out. But, for the most part, it’s just wasted effort. Real mastery comes from following one’s strengths. If you try to do something you’re not able to do, you’ll be fighting a constant uphill battle.

With this in mind, there are potentially dozens of career paths you could choose. Ask yourself whether you’d prefer to go into agriculture or arts, retail, or construction. Each of these sectors will appeal to a certain personality type.

Moreover, most industries have tests you can take along the way to tell you if they’re right for you. This way, you can cut down on your options and generate a shortlist.

Step 4: Figure Out What Additional Training You Need

You probably won’t be able to waltz directly into your dream job. Instead, you’ll need to upskill first. That’s where training comes into the picture.

For instance, if you want to rise in the financial sector, you might want to do something like mortgage processor training. This gives you the specific skills you need to contribute to the role.

Another option would be to do an animal husbandry course if you want to get into the agricultural sector. Having rare skills that people are willing to pay for is an advantage in any market.

Step 5: Go For It

Don’t sit on the fence for too long. Instead, take a chance and go for it. Once you have your dream job pinned down, move towards it through any means necessary.

Research companies within your industry. Find out more about the sort of person they want. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket by applying to a single firm. You’re unlikely to be successful in the first instance. Apply for job openings so that you can get one step closer to where you want to be.

Step 6: Build Connections Along The Way

Never miss an opportunity to network. If you decide to go for a job, resolve to make connections along the way. Commit to getting to know as many people as possible. Remember, if you can build relationships with 1,000 people, you have a connection to the entire world.

Step 7: Be Confident

Don’t tip-toe around future employers. Be confident about who you are and what you can achieve.

Getting your dream career started isn’t something that happens quickly. But it will eventually happen if you pursue it with all your energy. The universe will yield to you, and you’ll get what you want from it. It’s all about trusting the process and letting go.

When you go for a role, hiring managers will pick up on your confidence. If you make it sound like the job they’re offering is easy without coming off as arrogant, you are much more likely to get the role compared to people who seem better on paper. They might have the experience, but they don’t have the energy.


In most cases, dream careers are those that feel like play. It should come naturally and easily to you. This way, you can really enjoy your life.

If you feel like you’re fighting a constant uphill struggle for a “dream career,” it probably isn’t all that dream-like after all.

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