The Guys Behind the Blog: February Link-Up

The guys behind the blog

I have been anxiously awaiting for this day to get here so that I can introduce you all to my better half! He was nice enough to answer a few questions so that you can get into his mind a little bit 🙂

Eric and I 2
This was our first photo together!

1. If you could write a book, what topic would you write about and why?

I would write a book about the great innovators in today’s science and technology world. People like James Dyson, Adrian Newey, Steve Jobs, Leena Gade, and Elon Musk have a brain that is geared around driving new innovations. The book would start off with an overview of the world of research and development and then go into case studies of individual innovators. It would be biographical and cover how the innovator grew up, where they went to school, what was their big break, etc.

However, I would also like to dive into their psychology and understand how they tick. The end game of the book would be to develop a method to identify children and young adults who possessed the qualities often found in great innovators and give them the opportunity to explore the world of engineering and design.

2. What is one thing on your bucket list, or one thing that you’d like to do or accomplish in your lifetime?

I would like to drive a real-deal race car. I’m sure that I will drive in amateur series for fun, but it would be pretty awesome to drive at a semi-professional level.

3. If you could look out your window and only see one view for the rest of your life, what would you want to see?

I would like to look out over a beautiful lake with a snow capped mountain behind it, ideally with the temperature around 75 degrees where I am. Sound reasonable?

4. Imagine you’re opening a shop. What are you selling?

There will be a trend here, but I would want to build and sell race cars.

5. If you could have 50lbs of anything other than money, what would it be?

Platinum sound good?

6. Time to brag on your girl…tell us one thing that makes you proud of your girlfriend/fiance/wife!

Her drive. Nothing is impossible when she puts her mind to it. The amount of things that she has accomplished in the time that we have been together is just mind boggling. It is a wonderful feeling to be constantly inspired by her.


I really just want to say how thankful I am to have such an amazing man in my life. I love how supportive he is, especially with all the craziness that has been going on! I’m always learning something from him and I find his perspectives to be quite fascinating. Thanks for loving me, babe!

I hope you enjoyed getting to learn a little more about him and I look forward to sharing next months’ edition with you all! Make sure you check out the other guys behind the blog here!

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36 thoughts on “The Guys Behind the Blog: February Link-Up

  1. He sounds like someone that would get along with my brother and cousins. They are all obsessed with cars…and they are mechanics. lol They like to race their cars as if they were racecars lol

  2. This is awesome! So much fun to get to know your other half a little better :). He sounds like an awesome guy and I love his comment on what he loves about you…sweet!

  3. Aw, I love this link up! My husband’t interview will go up early next week; he always feels so special when I ask him to participate in my blog.

  4. Aw I love reading these! I need to get my husband in on it. I always forget. Your guy sounds great! My dad builds Classic cars and drag races as a hobby. I’ve grown up around all thst car stuff but never understood it haha.

  5. Aww, so sweet that you inspire him. His book idea sounds interesting, I’d read it if it were published! And boys and their cars…my almost 2 year old is obsessed, and judging from this post, that obsession never goes away 😉

  6. What a fun post! I think his bucket list item is awesome! 🙂 I think I will have to see if hubs would join in for March… since its just a day away!!! AGH! 🙂 Enjoy your weekend!

    1. It’s so hard to believe that February is almost over! Hope to see you in the link up next month 🙂

  7. That’s so nice of him to humor you in this, mine would have had sarcastic answers that I could not publish lol and props to anyone that wants anything to do with psychology I am in school and taking my 5th psychology class and I hate it, I am a person that doesn’t like to look to dig deep into things so it is definitely not the career for me, thanks for sharing

  8. That’s so fun! If I asked my husband questions and told him I was putting it on the blog he would just ask, “why?” and question so much that I would just give up in frustration. 🙂

    1. Haha you should just ask him random questions throughout the month and then post his responses 😉

  9. I love that he answered your questions seriously! My husband would have just given me a bunch of silly answers and not taken it seriously if he knew it was for the blog. 🙂

    1. You definitely should! Looking forward to seeing your post in the link up 🙂

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