Binge eating disorder (BED) is considered the most common type of disorder among teens. BED affects more aspects than the food, it affects the psychological condition. This means the eating disorder is more likely to be treated by a medical professional. A person diagnosed with BED experiences episodes of eating in unusually large amounts and with frequent intervals. They tend to eat even when they are not hungry. After an episode of binge eating, the person may feel a sense of shame or guilt.
Regular binge eating sessions can lead to excessive weight gain and can cause several health conditions such as heart diseases and diabetes. To manage this condition, you can get a consult from a doctor and get prescribed medicines from a Canadian mail order pharmacy. You can also try these tips to manage and reduce your episodes of binge eating.
1. Ditch the diet
Teenagers tend to go on crash diets to look slim among their peers. This negative body image pressurizes them to go for fad diets which can be unhealthy and may trigger binge eating disorders. It has been observed by experts that fasting for long periods of time contributes to cravings and binge eating episodes later.
Focus on healthy food intake instead of fad diets. Do not cut off entire food groups instead make healthy changes to food intake by including small portions of fruits, vegetables, red meat and lentils in your meals.
2. Avoid skipping meals
Studies and tough college routine may contribute to disturbed meal times. Set a healthy diet routine even if you are busy. Instead of skipping entire meals, set a regular eating schedule and stick to it. Instead of eating one large meal per day, go for eating smaller meals and snacks throughout the day.
3. Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness is a practice that includes listening to your body cues and paying special attention to what you may feel at the moment. This technique is practised since centuries and prevents from overeating by consciously helping a person to recognize they are not feeling hungry anymore. Mindfulness also helps with behavioural issues that may come with eating disorders such as anxiety, stress, mood swings etc.
4. Stay hydrated
Drinking plenty of water is a sure shot way to curb cravings and stop binge eating. Drinking more water also leads to tummy feeling full and less calorie intake.
5. Eat more fiber
Fiber is an important compound for the body. It moves through the digestive tract and keeps the stomach full. Increasing fiber intake cuts cravings and reduces appetite. Yogurt, kombucha, kale, spinach are some of the fiber-rich sources that decrease hunger and in turn calorie intake. As a result your stomach feels full and you put on less weight.
6. Clean out the kitchen
If you have lots of junk foods in your kitchen, it is time you throw them out. Replace junk food and trigger foods with healthy foods and snacks. Make a promise to cook every meal for yourself rather than eating out of the packet.