Best Stress Management Tips For Students

All students experience stress during their school and college years. Whether it’s mild anxiety or severe stress, students get to experience it, especially during exams season. This stress can take a toll on their mental health, physical health, and may even affect their grades.

Stress can even have a negative impact on behavioral patterns, sleep patterns and diet intake. Common causes of stress among high school and college students include:

  • Lessons
  • Homework
  • Social challenges
  • Extracurricular activities
  • School events
  • Lifestyle changes (e.g., graduating, moving out)
  • Work
  • Relationships
  • School fees

If you feel too stressed, just know that it’s okay to talk to your friends and loved ones about what you are feeling. You should also consult a doctor if you are not able to handle much stress. They may prescribe therapy and medicines which you can get at a prescription discount online. As much as these factors contribute to stress, we have some tips you can do to reduce the stress and anxiety so you can effectively study and enjoy these few years before your practical life starts.

  • Get Enough Sleep

With regular classes, lessons, homework and social activities, students miss out on their sleep and disrupt their sleep schedule. This leads to their mind and body getting tired and unable to function properly. This lack of sleep causes stress big time.

So, to keep the mind and body relaxed and perfectly healthy, make a sleep schedule and stick to it. No matter how tedious your study schedule get, make an effort to sleep at the same time every day.

  • Visualize

There is a technique called guided imagery that helps reduce stress. This technique involves closing your eyes and visualizing your favorite places. This helps calm the nerves and detach the mind from the situation causing stress. You can do this before any presentations, projects and exams.

  • Exercise

Whether it is an exercise session, cardio or just a plain walk or jog around the block, you can distract your mind from stressful situations. Exercise releases endorphins which is a happy hormone. When you perform an exercise, you instantly feel a sense of happiness and accomplishment. So make a habit of doing at least 10-15 minutes of exercise daily.

  • Time management

Students get much stressed when they feel they don’t have enough time to study and complete their projects. Adopt time management tips to complete your school tasks. You can write down a daily schedule and try sticking to it, or break your tasks into small manageable parts and do them gradually. Your schedule should also include some time to relax and enjoy yourself with your buddies. You can even break up your day here and there by playing a game like some online solitaire to help you relax and relieve anxiety.

  • Limit social media

The constant flux of information, news and even personal wars on social media has become a trigger for stress among teens. Limit your exposure to social media if you feel overwhelmed by the news. Try deleting social media apps from your cell phones so you don’t get distracted and start using them again. You will see a huge difference in your mental health once you stay away from social media for some time.

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