Going to college can be an important aspect of many young people’s lives. However, before you begin this journey, you might want to think about some of the ways that you can make this time a lot easier on yourself. Some of these plans could be put into place years before the actual event, while others may involve considerations in the months or weeks before you leave home and begin your higher education.
Many young people choose to take on a part-time job alongside their studies, to help to afford textbooks, food, or even any excursions or social events. While it may be tempting to spend all the money you receive, especially if this is going to be your first experience of true independence, you might want to consider holding some of your money back. Even prior to leaving, you could open a Wealthify ISA, which will allow you to save money as and when you choose, and benefit from the interest the account receives. By thinking about this some time before you start college, you could feasibly have already built up a pool of savings. This money could be especially useful if you find that you have forgotten something, or even for a larger expense such as a new computer.
Without your family around, you may find yourself needing to undertake a number of tasks that weren’t your responsibility before. One of these could be needing to plan and create your own meals. Many students do not have a large budget, so finding nutritional, inexpensive recipes can be essential. On top of this, you might need to factor in the time you have available to you outside of classes, assignments, and even social activities. Learning how to cook before you leave home can help you to feel more confident in the kitchen, and even allow some leeway for mistakes. You could do this by asking a family member for guidance, or even looking into basic cookery classes near you.
To help you with your responsibilities, you may want to also consider investing in an inexpensive student planner. This can allow you to calendarize when you have classes, as well as to plan out when you will undertake assignments. Being able to manage your own time effectively can be an important part of living independently, and help to make sure you do not miss any deadlines. You could also use this to keep track of social events, and even plan when grocery shopping will take place, to really make sure that your time is being spent well.
For many, college life can be a wonderful experience, allowing a person to begin to live away from their parents, learn more about their identity, and gain additional qualifications. By planning how you can best manage your finances, keep on top of your health, and fit everything into each day, you may be able to reduce stress and spend more time enjoying the coming years.