The word Alzheimer’s, for many, is met with a heavy sign. It’s a disease that can really be a hard pill to swallow. For many, to lose a family member is one thing but to lose them while they remain alive for a period of time, is a whole other level of grief.
Managing a family member who has Alzheimer’s can be tough, so it’s worth knowing what help is out there and what the best course of action is.
Get educated on what Alzheimer’s is
First and foremost, get educated on what Alzheimer’s is. It can often be confused with dementia. They are somewhat the same as dementia is a general term. However, Alzheimer’s refers to a specific brain disease that is marked by the symptoms of dementia and will gradually get worse as time goes on.
It’s worthwhile understanding what Alzheimer’s is and how to manage it effectively with the right knowledge to hand. It can help with memory care and understanding what options are out there for those with this disease.
Be patient
Being patient is an important one because it can be quite hard to watch a family member cope with Alzheimer’s. Not only is it tough on loved ones who are often forgotten by the individual, but it can also be worrying and confusing for those who have Alzheimer’s and cannot understand why memories are being forgotten.
The whole experience for everyone involved is a tough one, so try to find patience where possible.
Offer a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen
In order to help manage a family member who has this disease, be a shoulder for support or an ear to listen to. Sometimes, in those early days of being diagnosed, it can be a time when the person wants to get their affairs in order before they are no longer able to make those plans.
Throughout the disease, being there for the person to lean on, is more than enough. As hard as that may be, that person will appreciate it, even if they are aware of it or not.
Offer support where possible
Offering support where possible is necessary for the family and friends of the individual. Everyone is different in terms of what they can offer that individual. Some may have work schedules that don’t work around the person’s care as easily as others do.
We can only do our best when it comes to being a caregiver that has their own life to lead and manage at the same time.
Consider external care
Talking of caregivers and support, the scenarios where the desired care needs to be given should be handled with external care. As the individual’s health deteriorates and they become less able to do things alone, they may need to go into extra care. This might be support around the clock or assisted living that eventually leads to them being moved and put into a care home.
Alzheimer’s disease is a terrible one and it’s something that will be difficult for everyone involved. However, it’s a disease that needs to be taken day by day.