A Simple Guide To Becoming More Cultured In Your Own Time

If you want to become a more cultured person, there are a few things you should be doing in your own time. Let’s take a look at the things you should be continuously working on in order to become a more cultured person:

Read Classic Literature

You should aim to read classic literature – even if it’s just one classic novel per year. Having an eclectic reading taste is great, and reading modern novels can be fantastic, but there’s nothing quite like settling down with classic literature! Make a list of the books you’re yet to read and work your way through it – Goodreads is great for this.

Head To Galleries And Museums

Visit galleries and museums and pay close attention to the fine art. Learn about different techniques and artists.

Watch Iconic Films

Watch classic films that have been renowned by critics. You might even want to try foreign movies. Just a couple you could watch include Casablanca and Citizen Kane.

Speak To People From Different Backgrounds and Cultures

Make sure you make an effort to speak to people from different backgrounds and cultures. Oftentimes, they will give you a completely different perspective on things. Follow them on social media, and understand any privilege you may have. There are plenty of ways to stay mentally sharp and speaking to new people will keep you aware of other viewpoints and help you balance your ideas. Don’t be afraid to think differently. Consider trying out services like those offered by BetterHelp.com to speak with someone who can give you a new perspective.  A refreshing new opinion can help you big time in the short term and the long run.

See A Live Show

There’s nothing quite like attending a live performance to appreciate art and become more cultured. Which show will you see? The infographic below can help you to decide on the perfect one to get started.

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