How to Create a Productive Long-Term Home Workspace

Working from home was an emergency measure in the spring of 2020 when the pandemic first hit. Two years later, it’s becoming the new normal.

For many people, that’s a big bonus — there’s more flexibility, parents can be home for their children, and people are often more productive working from home. However, finding a workspace in your house can be difficult, especially if you live in a small space.

How can you create a long-term productive place to work from home? Here are three tips.

  • Set Up a Defined Work Area

When working from home was seen as temporary, it was just fine to commandeer the kitchen table during the workday. However, now that it’s a long-term arrangement, you need your own specific work area. That means finding a great work surface and a supportive chair that’s comfortable enough for eight hours a day.

Your workspace doesn’t have to be large, but it should be clearly defined so that your work items can be there unbothered. If you can find a place that has a door to close it off from outside noise, that’s even better!

  • Get Lots of Light

Natural light can make a big difference in your productivity and your mood throughout the day. You’ll stay more awake as you work if you’re near a window, and you can look outside to see the scenery or people passing by.

Many people think that sitting near a window causes impossible glare, but you can change the angle of your computer to avoid it. You can also look at anti-glare screens that protect your computer from the sun.

If you can’t sit near a window, consider buying a natural lightbox that gives out full-spectrum rays. The brightness will help you focus and feel better as you work.

  • Make Sure Your Personal and Professional Items Are Protected

Having work items at home isn’t something we’re used to, and it makes our job-related belongings vulnerable to theft. If you haven’t checked in with your home insurance to see if an adjustment needs to be made to your coverage, you’ll want to give them a call.

Sometimes insurance policies have low coverage limits for specific categories of property. You may need to add a rider to your policy to cover your work items at the appropriate level.

If your insurance is too expensive, it might be time to shop around and be sure to check out companies that have high star ratings. For example, Freeway Insurance reviews are consistently rated highly and you can call them to get a variety of free quotes.

Get Your Home Office in Order Today

We’re past the point where working from home can be seen as temporary. In fact, many people have left their old jobs to find positions that allow them to work from home permanently. That means the need for a long-term home office is very real.

When you follow the tips in this article, you’ll not only be productive and focused when you work, you’ll be healthy and comfortable too. Get started improving your home workspace today.

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