Practical Tips to Help Your Child Transition to University Life

When your child starts university, it’s normal to feel anxious about their ability to cope with the challenges of living independently for the first time. Parents often think they also need to step up their game and take a few steps back to give their kids the independence and space they need. Here we take a look at some practical tips on how you can support your child in making this transition smoothly.

Talk to them about the type of behavior the university will expect

The university might lay out some ground rules and expectations in the enrolment pack. Still, having a conversation with your child about the type of behavior the university will expect from them is also essential. This will help them feel more prepared for the challenges and responsibilities that come with university life. While the student code of conduct may be strict, you can help your child understand the expectations so that they don’t fall foul of these rules and instead engage with the university positively.

Teach them basic chores

When your child moves out of the family home, they will have to learn to take care of themselves. This includes taking on some basic household chores. While it’s important not to go overboard here, you can teach your child a few basic chores that will allow them to contribute to the household while also gaining a sense of independence. Knowing how to clean up after themselves, do the laundry, what type of products to buy, and ensure they maintain a good standard of living are some of the basic things your child needs to know.

Find a storage unit for their belongings.

If your child is bringing a lot of belongings to university, they must have a place to store them. Many students don’t have large living spaces, especially if they live on campus. However, a storage unit can offer them extra space for their belongings to have close by if they need them or somewhere safe for when they are out of town on breaks or vacations. For example, looking for storage near your chosen university can be a great help to your child as they move to university.

Be there for them

As your child prepares to move out, they will probably feel anxious about the transition. You can help your child by being there for them, even if they don’t always feel like talking. Be prepared to listen to your child when they need to talk and check in with them regularly to see how they think if they don’t open up. Offer to take them shopping for their new dorm room or even help them move in. This can help take some of the stress off your child and allow them to focus on the tasks ahead. You can also check if any groups or organizations your child can get involved with at their university. Joining an organization can be a great way to meet new people and have a sense of belonging.


Your child will soon be leaving the nest and moving away to university. This can be an exciting and frightening time. There are many practical ways you can support your child through this transition and make sure they feel ready and prepared to take on the challenges of living independently for the first time.

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