Study in Singapore After 12th: Cost, Requirements, Benefits

Education in Singapore will appeal to those who are partial to the Asian region and want to study in a modern, safe, and wealthy country. The programs are specially developed in the fields of science, business, finance, and management. The country’s two leading universities (NUS and NTU) are ranked 11th and 13th in the QS world ranking.


Despite the formal requirement of 12 years of schooling, some universities can enter after grade 11. One thing for sure is that you can study in Singapore after 12th.

At the same time, you need to have excellent academic performance and pass the SAT and SAT Subject exams. Particular attention should be paid to the writing of supporting documents, in particular essays, as well as general requirements for registration of an application and its filing, since there are many subtleties. Deadlines are mostly in February-March.

Foundation programs

The competition is very high, so if you are not an excellent student, applying to the best universities is quite risky. If you want to study in Singapore after 12th it is better to further consider other options, such as foreign affiliates and private universities that offer admission to Foundation programs.

Foundation programs last 7-8 months and provide an opportunity to study for a bachelor’s degree through an affiliate program. The admission requirements are easier in both grades and language. This slightly lengthens the term of education but you can keep within 3.5 years along with a bachelor’s degree.

Prestige and the ability to improve

The modern education system in Singapore promotes the principle of “lifelong learning”. To support this idea, universities are launching advanced training programs. Their main focus is the development of independence and a culture of self-education so that even after graduation, students do not stop learning and developing.

Diplomas obtained in Singapore are quoted around the world, allowing many graduates to travel abroad in search of new professional and life experiences.


It is one of the official languages ​​of the country. Education in universities is going on in English. In everyday life, it will be enough, despite the ethnic diversity of the inhabitants.

Well-maintained campuses

Students study on modern campuses. On their territory, there are libraries, museums, and research centers. Everything you need for leisure is located here: tennis courts, swimming pools, and gyms. For example, Nanyang Polytechnic has built an Olympic-sized swimming pool for students – 50 meters long and 25 meters wide.

Research potential

R&D is highly developed in Singapore. The state generously funds research activities, universities are actively engaged in it, and large companies in the country are hiring academics. If you are interested in R&D, education in Singapore will open the door wide for you to the industry.

Independence of educational institutions

The Singapore government gives universities greater academic freedom, for example, in the choice of the recruitment of professors and their salaries.

Therefore, universities independently monitor the curriculum and each year adjust the programs to meet modern needs. And this is a guarantee that the knowledge of graduates will be relevant in the job market.

University professors

The professors of Singaporean universities are experts in their field and doctors of science from the best universities in the world. The requirements for obtaining a position at universities are high, so you can be sure of the high competence of teachers.

Moreover, Singapore has a National Institute of Education, which trains teachers for all levels and specialties. It is one of the best teacher training institutions, ranking 16th in the world and 2nd in Asia according to the QS 16 ranking.

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