The Difference Between a Revoked vs. Suspended License

If a person driving a vehicle commits a specific traffic violation or legal crime, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) can revoke or suspend their license. It renders their driving license invalid, and the person cannot legally drive any motor vehicle.

black car during daytime

The difference between a revoked license and a suspended license is that the first one is permanent, while the second one is temporary. The driver can get their suspended license reinstated by the DMV after a specific time or by completing any dues and fulfilling the requirements. On the other hand, a license revocation is permanent, but the person can fight for their case to earn a new one.

The above laws are general, and different states can have varying laws, rules, and regulations. If your license has been revoked or suspended, carefully read the guidelines and requirements.

Reasons for License Revocation and Suspension

The DMV can suspend or revoke a person’s license based on the following actions:

  • Driving with an invalid license or no car insurance.
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Not paying traffic violation fines.
  • Having any other unpaid dues or fees.

License Suspensions: Definite and Indefinite

The DMV suspends the license for either a definite or indefinite period. DMV mentions all the information in their suspension notice, so make sure to read that carefully if you receive one.

If a person wants to get their driving license reinstated, which was suspended by DMV for a set period, they must wait for the specified time to finish. Also, the person must pay any fines or dues before applying for reinstatement.

On the other hand, if the DMV suspends the driver’s license for an indefinite period, the driver must perform a certain act before the DMV finally reinstates it. The actions may include payments and due fines and taxes or fees.

Every state has different laws, and some have a special place of suspension by the name of Administrative Review Suspension. It is commonly for disabled people or someone with a medical condition. In such a case, the DMV may ask for a doctor’s signed approval.

License Revocations

If the DMV revokes a license, it is permanent. Causes for this include false or wrong information in DMV application forms, committing too many DUI/DWI offenses, becoming incapable of driving as one gets older, and having medical conditions such as Alzheimer’s or epilepsy. Also, continuing to commit crimes, violating traffic rules, and being found guilty may result in serious charges or prison.

However, it is sometimes possible to get a revoked license reinstated or issued a new one by the DMV. One must have to complete certain requirements, which include:

  • Requesting a court session at the State DMV
  • Paying back dues, fines, penalties, or taxes.
  • Applying again for a new license.

Consequences of Driving With a Revoked or Suspended License

Driving with a revoked or suspended license can get a person into serious trouble or, at worst, lead to misdemeanor or criminal charges. Not only that, the insurance company may cancel the insurance of people with suspended or revoked licenses. Moreover, if they put them in their “excluded driver’s list’, it will become difficult and simply impossible to get your license again.

However, sometimes, things happen, and drivers lose control over the vehicle. It can be due to a distraction, damage, or someone else’s fault. No matter the cost, sometimes the state and the witnesses get confused on the reason for the accident, which may lead to a driving license revocation or suspension. The best way to avoid both is to be smart, drive safely, and keep your eyes on the road.

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