How to Increase the Amount of Walking You Do Each Day

By: Beverley GoodwinCC BY 2.0

Walking is one of the easiest ways to get exercise into your everyday routine. Not only does it get your heart pumping – it also saves you gas money! So, how can you incorporate more walking into your busy schedule? Try these tips:

Walk to the Store

If you have a small errand to run, consider walking to the store instead of driving. This will allow you to get some fresh air while also burning calories. Take some music along that lifts up your spirit so that you are more encouraged to continue walking.

By using your own two feet for transportation, you are also saving money in a few ways. First, you will not be wasting gas which means more money later. Additionally, you will not walk out of the store with loads of stuff you did not need, because your car will not be available to carry the items back home for you.

Take the Stairs

Almost every building provides individuals with escalators and elevators. Instead of utilizing these, take advantage of the stairs. This will easily add a few extra steps to your day while also making your heart and muscles work a little harder to get you to the next level. Don’t let laziness get in the way! Even if you are feeling lazy that day, just visualize how much better you feel after you accomplish the staircase climb.

By: Giuseppe MiloCC BY 2.0

Walk During Your Break

If you are stuck at work all day, you probably feel pretty beat after being there for such long hours. Instead of sitting your entire break, go outside for a walk! The exercise will release endorphins into your body, which means your mood will be better and more positive. Also, the fresh air will provide some rejuvenation so that you can conquer the rest of your shift.

If you aren’t able to go outside, then find an area in your building that provides ample walking space. Personally, I work in a fairly small office, so I will take some laps around the various hallways so that my legs are at least getting some movement. Trust me – you’ll feel better if you take a few minutes to put your body in motion!

Start a Walking Group

What is more encouraging than getting friends and loved ones involved in the same activity as you? Try meeting at a local park once a week and walking around the perimeter for about 30 minutes or so. You can use this time to catch up on life, business meetings, or how the week has been. With other people involved, you will feel more motivated to continue your walking routine.

Not sure if your friends will be up for it? Then step outside of your shell a bit and join a local meetup group or sign up for a class at a fitness store (stores such as Fleet Feet often have groups year round for people from all activity levels).

By: Jan-Erik FinnbergCC BY 2.0

Walk Your Dog

Taking your dog for a walk is beneficial for both of you! Since dogs need exercise every day, take them around the block a few times or to a local dog park where they can run around. This time together allows you to get away from the worries of life. While you are out, enjoy a game of Frisbee or fetch with your loyal furry companion!

Remember, every little step counts, so don’t miss an opportunity to walk. Take advantage of your own yard if time and convenience concern you. Also, inform your family and friends about your goals so that they can be your source of encouragement and accountability. By using these tips, I think you’ll find that walking can be very enjoyable!

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