4 Ways To Protect Yourself From Unsafe Products

There are a lot of products available for various needs. Unfortunately, some of them pose serious health and safety dangers. A US study has attributed millions of injuries annually to harm or defective product usage. While you are not responsible for assessing the safety of the products that flood the market every day, you have to be proactive about finding out the harmful ones and limiting your exposure to them. Below are four things you can do to protect yourself.

Check for mandated safety requirements

Certain high-risk items supplied in the US are subject to mandatory safety regulations. The Consumer Product Safety Commission creates these standards to safeguard consumers against unreasonable injury risks linked to consumer products. Even if a product does not have a statutory standard, voluntary standards or certification data could apply to the product type. Always check if your product meets mandated safety standards to guarantee they pose no risk or are within acceptable use, not forgetting its expiry date.

Don’t always rely on online reviews

Online reviews mostly serve the interests of businesses. Positive reviews draw buyers and also help businesses boost their presence online. Some businesses have been shown to plant reviews, while others may pay individuals who haven’t purchased their products to give higher ratings to grab your attention. These are a few reasons you cannot always believe what you read about products or brands online. The good news is there are consumer safety institutions and watchdogs that may highlight some of these unreliable and fake reviews. Learning how to identify fake product reviews online can also be useful.

Shop locally

There are many advantages to shopping locally. For instance, it is easier to contact a manufacturer to file a complaint and get a replacement or refund when something is wrong with a product you bought locally. According to Checkbook, if you purchase an item with a significant defect or inability to function for a reasonable period, the onus lies on the seller to provide a remedy even if the manufacturer’s warranty has expired. In the same way, the seller provides a remedy if they didn’t provide an express warranty at all. Additionally, you can greatly reduce food miles and greenhouse emissions by purchasing local produce and items.

Buy from reputable brands

Shopping locally isn’t foolproof for protecting yourself. Many products undergo rigorous safety testing before being introduced to the market. But some manufacturers perform more thorough product tests while issuing recalls if necessary. For this reason, purchasing from businesses known for delivering quality is essential. It is tempting to consider low-budget options from less or unknown brands; unfortunately, you might risk yourself and your family’s health. You can check through with the Consumer Product Safety Commission to stay updated on product recalls and confirm if you don’t have any in your home. Never hesitate to contact your personal injury attorney if you are affected by any defective product. You can search for ‘personal injury lawyer near me’ online for excellent attorneys for your product liability case.

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