6 Common Errors in Embedding Videos and How to Avoid Them

Embedding videos on your website is a great way to draw the customer in and generate sales. These videos are also a way to show what your business does and how you operate.

But if you’re going to embed videos on your website, you need to do it right. Otherwise, you may see fewer leads and conversions than you would have liked. We often see businesses making one or two mistakes, but most will make at least three.

person using MacBook pro turned on

What are some common ways you can mess up with your videos? How do you steer clear of the most common errors in embedding videos?

Here are the six common errors that you should know and avoid.

  1. Incorrect Video Format

One of the most common errors in the video embedding process is using an incompatible video format. Different browsers and platforms support different video formats.

To avoid this error, it is crucial to convert your videos into a widely supported format. There are many online video embedding tools available, including a useful mp4 to gif converter which can help you convert videos to the appropriate format.

  1. Inadequate Video Compression

Large video file sizes can slow down your website’s loading speed, causing frustration for visitors. To prevent this error, compress your videos without compromising their quality.

You can start by editing website videos and using software or online compression tools to reduce file sizes. By striking the right balance between quality and size, you can ensure smooth video playback.

  1. Improper Video Embed Code

Using an incorrect or incomplete video embed code can prevent videos from displaying correctly on your website. When embedding videos, ensure that you have copied the entire embed code provided by the video hosting platform.

Double-check for any missing or misplaced characters. Ensure that the code is inserted correctly into your website’s hypertext markup language.

  1. Incompatibility With Responsive Design

With the rise of mobile browsing, responsive design has become a necessity. However, not considering this can lead to distorted or improperly displayed videos on mobile devices.

To avoid this error, make sure your video player and embed code are responsive and adapt to different screen sizes. Test your embedded videos on various devices to ensure they are correctly displayed across all platforms.

  1. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Issues

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) errors can occur when embedding videos from a different domain. This security feature restricts webpages from making requests to external domains. To resolve this error, ensure that the video hosting platform supports CORS, or host the video files on your own

  1. Video Autoplay Problems

Autoplaying videos can be a double-edged sword. While they can grab users’ attention, they can also annoy visitors and consume excessive data. Moreover, some browsers have implemented restrictions on video autoplay.

To avoid autoplay-related errors, consider using user-friendly video controls. It will allow visitors to start or pause the video playback.

Discover and Solve Errors in Embedding Videos

Overall, beware of potential errors in embedding videos that can lower a level of interest and engagement in your website along the way. By following the tips discussed in this article, you can avoid common errors and confidently embed videos without hassle. Try your video embedding skills now.

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