I think we all have a desire to live our lives in a better way, that’s why so many people make exercising one of their New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, life gets in the way and we fall short on time, money (for a gym membership), and even motivation.
Thankfully, Blogilates is here to take all of those excuses away and provide you with the tools and encouragement you need to get fit right at home.
You don’t have to be an expert to get started with Blogilates. I first came upon these videos without any previous Pilates experience, so I was a little terrified! Although I had been working out with Fitness Blender and running prior, I wasn’t so sure that I had what it took. Cassey Ho, the founder of Blogilates, put all those worries aside when I watched her bubbly personality come out in the beginner videos. By then, I was hooked.
Blogalites Provides Free Pilates and Workout Videos!
That’s right, you can now get the benefits of having your own personal trainer without having to pay a cent. Cassey Ho releases a new workout every Monday so that Blogilates enthusiasts can take on a new challenge without having to own a membership. These videos target every body part you can imagine, so say goodbye to your gym membership and hello to having a little extra money in your pocket every month!
Get Fit at Your Place on Your Own Time
There was a time when I purchased a gym membership to a facility that was literally right across the street from where I lived.Do you know how many times I used it? Maybe three.
I’ve done the same thing in the apartments I’ve lived in. Although the gym was located in the clubhouse right around the corner, I still couldn’t get up the motivation to go. There were tons of excuses running through my head and I needed to do something about it to get in better shape.
A big benefit of Blogilates is that all the workouts can be done in the comfort of your own home. This literally gives you no excuse to fall back on. When I’m ready to workout, I simply find a soft floor or mat and then turn on a video on my Kindle Fire or laptop. In the span of seconds, I’m engulfed in a workout of my choice! It’s so convenient and can be done in all types of housing (single family, condo, townhome, apartment).
Monthly Workout Calendars
Now that you have all these different workouts at your disposal, how do you get started? Cassey must have known that this was going to be a challenge for a lot of her followers, so she creates monthly workout calendars that you can follow along with! Each day, you will be told which videos to complete in order to build your best body.
There is also a beginner calendar for newbies who want to ease their way into the program first. These calendars are meant to help you stay motivated while also making sure all of your muscle groups are focused on.

Motivation Through the Blogilates Community
The Blogilates community is growing quickly (yes, there’s an app for that). We all need a little encouragement every now and then, so having such a strong base of followers provides that extra push that you need to get through a tough workout.
It has been said that you are more likely to exercise if you have someone to do it with. Although you may not have friends or family nearby to workout with you, you can easily read some words of encouragement online and get motivated that way.
To take it to the next level, the site offers a shop where you can buy motivational workout clothes. You will find phrases such as “sore today strong tomorrow” (my personal favorite).
There’s No Better Time to Start Than Now!
Every day is the perfect opportunity to start working toward a better you! You can either go to the Blogilates website or YouTube to begin your journey toward building a better body.
I’ll be getting sore right along with you, so remember that you aren’t alone in this process!
Best of luck and don’t forget to tell yourself that you are fully capable of doing this!
The blogilates community have helped a lot through my fitness journey. I highly recommend blogilates.