Living on campus can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life! Not only are you immersing yourself into the ultimate college experience, but you’ll also find that you have access to a variety of resources that you may not have if you lived at home.
For some, moving away from home is a welcomed opportunity, but other students worry about being homesick or managing everything by themselves. Although these are valid concerns, hopefully this list of 10 reasons to live on-campus during college will have you feeling more positive about dorm life and excited for the chance to enter adulthood!
1. People
It’s so easy to make friends when you live on campus, because you are constantly around students who are just like you. Your hall will have an RA (resident assistant) on duty at all times, and these people are students who are there to mentor you, help you make friends and provide you with fun activities. For example, one of my RA’s planned a cookout with football, and I met some of my best friends through that social event!
2. Close to Class
Being close to class is a huge advantage when it comes to college. Instead of fighting over a parking space, you can take your time to get ready in the morning, socialize with your friends and then get a good exercise by walking to your building. This will save you time and gas money!

3. Organizations
When you live on a college campus, it’s very easy to find a club or organization to get involved with. For me, it was the step team. Not only was I was able to attend every meeting we had, I was also able to hang out with my friends who were on the team with me.
Some clubs you may find include:
- Foreign languages
- Community services
- Sports
- Greek life
- Residential life
4. Independence
Everyone looks forward to the day when they get to live on their own, away from their family. Not only do you get a chance to be free, but you can learn how to live on your own and grow. It allows you to discover who you really are and what you want to do with your life.
With that being said, having independence is going to help you see where you are lacking as well. You may find that you struggle to stay focused when you are doing your homework or you don’t exactly know how to manage your time wisely.
College is a great time to learn how to handle your shortcomings and work toward improving your skills so that you can be a successful adult once you graduate.
5. Studying Made Easy
Study groups are constantly being held all over campus, especially at the library, so it’s much easier to get your schoolwork done and to be held accountable. The school library also contains everything you need to get your work done, including copiers, printers, and computers.
This was a huge lifesaver for me because I had several projects that required the use of Photoshop and Apple computers. Instead of having to purchase the programs myself or ask a friend if I could use their computer for awhile, I was able to just walk across the street, hop on one of the computers, and print out my completed projects.
I also want to note that most dorms have a variety of rooms that you can study in.
Buildings not doing it for you?
Try finding a nice place outside! Every college campus I’ve been on has had benches, lawns, and other great places to set up shop. Almost every school has wi-fi now, so you shouldn’t have any issues with getting internet.
Still haven’t figured out the whole studying thing? These two posts were written for you:

6. Having a Roommate
Having a roommate is vital to the college experience. This is when you learn to set aside your differences and cooperate with people by learning more about them and how they function.
Since most of us will have to work with someone that we don’t particular like in the future, having a roommate will help you expand your social skills and teach you great patience (hopefully).
7. Close Proximity to Everything
Since most colleges are built in areas that have a lot of restaurants and nightlife, you’re guaranteed to never be bored! You can practically walk to everything that you need, so even if you don’t have a car, there will be plenty of entertainment options for you to choose from.
One of the activities I highly recommend is going to some concerts that are nearby. One of my favorite bands today actually played at a local restaurant almost every week while I was in college. Not only do you get to hear some great music, but you may make some new friends while you’re out! Besides, everyone needs a break from the school stress every now and then.
8. Resources
With college staff constantly on campus, you always have someone to talk to. Whether you need help with your schoolwork or you’re looking to receive some career advice, all of these offices can be found on your campus. You’ll be more motivated to visit them if you live within walking distance!

9. Safety
Campus police are on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can feel safe. Every campus is also equipped with emergency stations around campus where you can push a button and an officer will come to you within one or two minutes.
Many campus police also hold self defense classes, so you can participate in those usually free of charge.
10. Team Spirit
Sporting events are constantly happening and they are a great way to really connect with your school! Whether you enjoy watching football games or cheering on the school’s club rugby team, there’s sure to be something fun to watch.
Since the venues are usually right on the campus, you don’t have to worry about parking, and as a student, you can sit in the madness of the student section!
If you get a chance, check out the spirit club that’s at your school. TCU’s is called the HyperFrogs and they are known for being some of the loudest and rowdiest fans at the game (they’re also the ones who paint themselves head to toe in purple – even if it’s 32 degrees outside).
So there you have it! Those are just 10 great reasons to live on-campus during your college years. Are you feeling more excited about dorm life now?!