Heading To College? Save Money Everywhere You Can!

If you’re going to be heading to college soon, congratulations! You’re going to have so much fun while you’re there, and learn a lot of awesome stuff. However, one of the sources of stress that you might experience is likely going to be money. That is why you’ve got to be prepared for this and know how to save money everywhere that you can. In this article, we’re going to be looking at some of the ways that you can do this, so if you want to find out more, keep reading down below.


When you live in the dorms, you should get an option to purchase meals with the cost of the dorm. This isn’t the case for all college’s though, so make sure you look at all the options. If this isn’t available to you, then you’ve got to get creative. When you go out to do the shopping for food, make sure you set yourself a budget so that you don’t overspend. Get what you can, make some delicious meals for as little money as possible etc. Also, take advantage of any fast food offers that they’ve got going on when you’re in the mood for this kind of food!


You should also think about accommodation. It’s not cheap to live at college, that is a known fact. When you move out of the dorms after freshman year however, it is going to get more expensive. Ideally, you need to find a couple of people to live with so that all the bills are split between you making it cheaper for you to live. Also, you should try to find a company who specializes in providing accommodation to students because they often have cheaper rates. For example, a company like Iglu could help you get into a place that you love, without having to spend a horrendous amount of money all the time.

Living on your own isn’t going to be possible unless you have financial support from somewhere else, so we suggest you get that idea out of your head right now.


You don’t need to buy your textbooks new if you can find them online second-hand. We know that a lot of people frown on buying second-hand books, but that doesn’t matter. The important thing is that you have what you need for the course, and anyone with an opinion can keep it to themselves. A lot of people who have graduated the course will be selling their textbooks, so buying from them might help you get them a little cheaper. Or, there are sites that you will find the books on. You never know, you could find some super helpful notes in the margin from someone who passed the course before you, then you’ve got a bit of an advantage!

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now have a better understanding of some of the areas that you can save money as a college student. Good luck, and we hope that you have the best couple of years of your life!

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