How Do I Get Back to Work With a Newborn Baby? 

Being a mom is not easy, and being a working mom with an infant is even more challenging. But nothing is impossible. After having a baby, getting back to work can be very stressful for both mothers and babies. This situation can only be minimally stressful if the mother clearly understands the need for such a decision and can explain its reasons and consequences to herself first and foremost. If your work is a forced routine for you, which wears out nerves and spoils the mood, it is better to stay with your baby for a while longer, and during this time to think, maybe it is worth changing the field of activity. But still, in today’s world, where we are able to realize ourselves not only as mothers but also as individuals, we should not let the guilt over the child interfere with self-realization.

Working mom and feeding schedule

There is a lot of debate on this topic, but in fact, working moms have options on how to resolve this issue. The first option is to breastfeed her baby at a certain time if she works from home or near home. The second option is to decant the milk and freeze it so the nurse or grandmother can feed the baby with breast milk. It is essential not to forget to write the date on the container. Option three – switch to formula feeding. The main thing is to choose a baby formula suitable for the baby in advance. Your pediatrician can help to choose the best one based on your baby’s nutritional needs.

The mother’s task is to see what option is suitable for her family. Continue to focus on her career or be with her baby as long as she needs, breastfeeds, or bottle-feed. You make the decision based on the life situation your family is in, your priorities, and your desires.

Office or work from home?

There are pros and cons to both. The advantage of office work is that you can fully immerse yourself in the work process. You are not distracted by a crying baby. You only need to leave the decanted milk, and if the baby’s diet includes baby milk formula, you can prepare everything you need. The downside of going to work is that you spend less time with your baby.

The plus of remote work is that the mother can breastfeed her baby when needed, and she will have more time to communicate with her child. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to fully immerse yourself in the work process when the baby cannot calm down and cries. It is quite important for a working mom to have clear psychological and physical boundaries to her space.

Whether you work from the office or plan to work from home, a full-time job can be difficult for both you and the baby. You will be worried about how the baby tolerates your absence. A long separation will not be an easy experience for the child at once. That’s why it’s great if the process is gradual so that your absence from home increases gradually in time.

Set limits to your workload

When balancing between career and motherhood, moms need to remember not to take on the same workload as before the baby was born. In her new role, a mother needs to take care of herself and her baby. Physical and emotional strength is not infinite, burnout can happen very quickly, but it will take a long time to recover. A baby needs a mother filled with positive emotions.

Trying to combine parenting and work, you can create an excellent schedule and plan how the work process will run, but life is life, and no one is protected from unplanned circumstances. For example, the nurse (grandmother) may fall ill, and someone will have to replace her – you or someone else in the family. It would be great to have support in case of an emergency.

Will the baby become more cranky when mom gets back to work?

The baby will need time to get used to the new mode of communication with his or her mom. She should also be ready because the baby’s sleep will become more restless, and the baby will be more likely to come to the breast at night and in the morning. A working mom needs to get enough sleep: sleeping with the baby may be more comfortable and finding a comfortable position for nighttime feedings. Most likely, after 2-4 weeks, all get used to their new roles, and the need for mom will no longer be as acute.


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