How Long Does it Take to Write a Master’s Thesis?

The diploma paper is the result of the student’s education in the chosen specialty, so you should take the preparation of this project seriously. Today we will answer the question of how much time is given to writing a diploma and for what minimum period it is realistic to do.

How much time is given to writing a diploma

How long a diploma is written is determined by the curriculum of the educational program. In the majority of universities, the deadline for writing a diploma thesis is two academic semesters.

The preparation of the thesis includes the following stages:

  • selection of the supervisor and research topic, and its approval at the meeting of the department (not more than one month).
  • formulation of the object and subject, aims and tasks of the work, and preparation of the introduction (about two weeks).
  • selection and study of sources, and writing a theoretical section (up to two months).
  • consultation with the supervisor, making changes to what you have written (a week or two).
  • preparation of the analytical/methodological and practical part of the diploma (up to two months).
  • re-consultation with supervisor, text corrections (week two).
  • writing conclusions (a week or two).
  • the final revision of work, final changes (up to two weeks).
  • correct execution of work according to the requirements of the method. instructions, passing the normative control (up to one week).
  • submission of work to the reviewer (another week).

As a rule, the final text of the work should be submitted to the department 2-3 weeks before the defense.

How much time is given to writing a diploma

Many professors recommend that students begin familiarizing themselves with the materials they will need for the paper several months in advance. Ideally, the information should be collected during the entire period of study at the university. For most students, the main difficulty lies in choosing a suitable topic, but sufficient knowledge to study it appears only at the end of their studies. A simple solution to this problem is to buy term papers – you only need to decide on the topic of the paper, and the rest will be done for you.

Each University allocates its amount of time to write a diploma. On average the term is half a year. Many students believe that this time is more than enough and that they can cope with the work in two weeks. When the hour “X” comes, the timing is assessed more realistically, as a result, it turns out that two weeks is not enough.

If you decide not to waste your time, and order a diploma, it should be taken into account that it is impossible to write quickly, while maintaining acceptable quality and expecting to get a positive evaluation. The work still needs calculations, handouts, and the design of appendices.

How long can you write a diploma?

It is quite difficult to determine exactly how long it will take to write a diploma because many factors influence the quality and the final result of the work. Some need six months, while others can fit in a few weeks. The personal abilities of each student are one of the fundamental factors influencing the speed of writing a diploma thesis. In practice, students rarely write a diploma at a time that is defined by regulatory documents. Usually, a couple of months are enough to prepare a thesis, this is the real term of the thesis.

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