The world of online dating can be a fun one, but it can also be frustrating when you have hundreds of different people to interact with and compete against.
I honestly believe that you can find a great match through online dating sites, but it is going to take some work. Even with the perfect biography, you won’t get many viewers if you don’t have the right photos posted.
To help you create the best first impression possible, here are some online dating photo tips:
Profile Picture Basics
You would be surprised how many people don’t have good profile pictures posted. Sometimes the person’s face isn’t even showing!
When you are trying to decide which profile picture to use, make sure it meets the following criteria:
- Shows your face well
- Isn’t too dark or too bright
- Doesn’t have your eyes covered
- Is cropped to show only the upper part of your body, or just your face
If you’ve ever been on an internet dating site, then you’ve seen how small some of the profile picture thumbnails look when you conduct a search. If you have your entire body in your picture, then how do you expect anyone to see your face?
This is why it’s so important to make sure your photo is focusing on your face so that it can be easily seen, even in a smaller size.
You want to make sure your entire face is visible because having anything covered could prevent someone from clicking on your profile. Remember – online dating has a physical attraction component, and that initial attraction must be made with whatever photo you have chosen as your profile picture.
Other things to keep in mind:
- Smiling – Don’t be afraid to be happy!
- Go easy on the makeup, girls
- Guys, you may want to ditch the hat

Additional Online Dating Photo Tips: Yes, Do These!
Now that you have your profile picture set to go, let’s take some time to focus on the additional photos that you can include in your profile. Although these are not required, I highly recommend that you post at least one additional picture, but don’t be afraid to use the maximum number of spaces available to you!
The Full Body Shot
Most sites allow you to choose what body type you have, but the reality is that we all have different types that don’t really fit in with the options provided to us. To give your potential matches a better picture of what you really look like, I recommend including at least one full body shot of you.
Make sure this picture shows how you look now and not how you looked five years ago! Body’s change!
Full body pictures help give you a more ‘real’ vibe.
The Active Shot
You told your potential matches what you enjoyed doing in your free time, so now it’s time to post some pictures of you doing those things!
For example, let’s say your biography says that you enjoy traveling the world. In at least one of your additional photos, show off one of the cool places you got to visit. Maybe you got to stand next to the world’s largest rocking chair or see the Grand Canyon in-person. Whatever it is, it’ll show your matches that you truly do participate in the things you say you do.
The Dressy Shot
Casual looks and dressier looks can vary from person to person, so showing off your different styles and versatility can be a good thing when a potential match is deciding to connect with you or not.
For me, I don’t wear dresses or makeup all the much, so most of my pictures were without either. To help supplement those pictures and show the guys that I did have a dressier side to me, I posted a few select photos where my hair was done, my makeup was on, and I was wearing a dress. It helped bring a different element of personality to my profile that would have been nonexistent otherwise, and I guess it worked because I ended up with an amazing guy!
Posing Tips from the Pros
Photo Don’ts
There are just certain things that shouldn’t be shown on your online dating profile, at least not if you want to connect with someone who is going to be worth your time.
If you have been struggling to get a date and you think your biography is well-written and your messages have been on-point, then maybe your photos need a little work.
The “I’m at a Party” Photo
If all of your photos are of you at a party, then that’s a problem. First of all, your potential match doesn’t want to get the feeling that you are a constant partier. Trust me, this will not bode well for you!
It’s okay to have one photo with a bunch of friends in there, but make sure you look classy rather than trashy. If your outfit is a mess, you look like you’ve had too much drink, or the photo really doesn’t give a good vibe, then keep it off of your profile.
She or He is Just a Friend
It’s normal for guys to have friends that are girls, and vice versa, but please don’t advertise this for the world to see! Do you honestly want your potential match to say that the first photo they saw of you was the one where you were standing with your arms around a person of the opposite sex? It may simply be a friendly photo, but an online dating site just isn’t place for it.
If that’s the only photo you have, then at least use the crop tool. Viewers are wanting to see more of you, not more of other people.
The Alcohol Club
I really can’t believe that I have to post this, but it never fails – there is always at least one person in which they have an alcoholic beverage in every picture.
As much as you may enjoy that lifestyle, I think that having just one picture of you drinking is enough to showcase that. We don’t need to see 15 other pictures of you holding bottle up!
The Embarrassing Photo
Some things are just better left buried. It may seem like a funny thing to post, but it probably won’t make the greatest first impression (just look at the photo below if you don’t believe me).
Balance is Key
The whole point of having additional photo space is to be able to show yourself in different aspects of life. If you post ten pictures of yourself in the same outfit, then you are completely defeating the purpose of having this extra space.
Take the time to go through your computer and/or camera and choose some photos that show off different features. Do you have amazing eyes? Find a picture that shows them off well! Want to demonstrate how athletic you are? Post a picture of you playing football or some other sport.
Remember, pictures could make or break your chances with someone who is viewing your profile – choose wisely!
Photos on the dating sites are the main thing to attract people. Though a concise and interesting profile message holds a considerable amount of factors to garner more people, after reading that, online daters want to see the photos. Like you have written in this article, giving a genuine and expressive photo while doing your favorite work could be the best. It would help you to attract people of your choice and having similar mindset. Exaggeration always lead to rejection. Apart from that, you should choose a safe dating website that must be providing security to your data and consider doing background checking before believing anyone fully.