Guarantee Career Progression With These Five Tips

It doesn’t matter whether you are looking to progress in the job you are doing, or you want to go down a whole new path – you need to dictate your own career progression. It may take you some time to work out what your passions and goals are, and that’s okay, but once you know you need to learn how you can achieve those goals. Then it would help if you made it happen.

So, whether you head back to Norwich University to learn something entirely new, or you try to get promoted in the company you are working in, you need to have an effective plan. With the right strategy, you can guarantee progression in your career of choice, pushing yourself in the right direction. To get you motivated and ready for anything, we have put together five solid tips to get you rocketing through your career ladder! Let’s check them out

  • Firstly, always take responsibility for your actions. This includes the negative as well as the positive. If you’re happy to be praised at work, then you should be glad to take the negative on the chin, too. So, learn how to take credit for your achievements as well as take the blame for your mistakes. That’s how you grow.
  • Next, you really need to up your game. The Institute of Medical and Business Careers is a great example here, offering short courses that can help you to progress. Yes, you can go back to school and learn some more, but you need to go above and beyond in your job, too. Use every opportunity in your position to show that you are passionate and enthusiastic about your role. Be open to overtime, to taking on more responsibility – it shows you’re willing to play a pivotal role in your company.
  • No matter what you do or who is bugging you, always play fair. Stay out of the office gossip – don’t even listen to it. Playground politics were for your childhood days and also if it means getting ahead, step back and remain neutral. Playing the game is not the way to go: games always have losers – and you are not a loser!
  • When you feel things aren’t fair, are going badly – or even when they’re going well – speak up. You can only move forward in your role in your current industry if you’re willing to speak up and discuss your opportunities. You want to be able to talk about the vision you have for the company, especially if you can bring something to the table!
  • Lastly, you need to stop settling for things. This is your life we’re talking about; progression in your job allows you a better salary and prospects. This leads to a better future, one where you feel good about what you’re doing. Making a plan with your goals is going to help you to map out where you want to be in your future, and this is always a plan worth having.

Taking your time to listen to your employers and those in your team is a good start, but the best start is to listen to yourself.

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