HubPages is my favorite content mill writing site, hands down. I don’t say content mill in a bad way here – I only use that term because the articles (called ‘hubs’) come from a wide variety of people, so there are lots of them.
One question I often see from my fellow hubbers is how do I get more traffic to my articles on HubPages?
It’s a valid question.
As writers, we all want to reach out to a larger audience for various reasons, whether that is simply to inspire, to make a few extra bucks, or to share our experiences with people all over the world.
So how do we go about accomplishing that?
First off, I want to emphasize this one point:
It takes patience.

You may feel as though you are never going to get traffic to your HubPages articles, but I promise that it will eventually come.
I remember being a newbie on the site and posting my first few hubs. I had a couple of views here and there, but I didn’t have a following yet. I had to learn that if I wanted to be successful on the site, I needed to be patient with the process.
To help give yourself an extra boost, start interacting with the HubPages community!
One of the best ways you can do this is to get on the forums. There, you will find topics about practically anything. It’s also a great place to introduce yourself, gather advice from veterans, and to learn all the ins and outs of the site.
Aside from the forums, you can also start following some other hubbers, but please take caution!
Don’t follow a bunch of people all at once and don’t ask them to follow you in return – this is not good practice.
I understand how frustrating and discouraging it may be to only have five people following you after the first few weeks on the site, but I can honestly say that if you stick with your writing, then the followers will come on their own.
You can show other hubbers that you truly appreciate their work by reading one of their articles and commenting on it. I recommend that you leave more than just a two word response – tell them something that you really enjoyed about it!
You should also keep in mind that people can’t find your work if you don’t keep it focused.
Here’s what I mean by that – I’m sure you’ve heard of SEO, so make sure you apply that to your hubs. If you write something that is all across the board, then the search engines are going to have a hard time putting your hub anywhere relevant.
If you have a bunch of ideas swarming through your brain, divide them into separate hubs! It’s as simple as that!
You should also follow the HubPages recommended guidelines as much as you can.
When you are creating a hub, you’ll notice that there is a checklist box on the top right corner of the screen. This is where you’ll see how many words, pictures, and other interactive features you’ve included.
Now, you don’t have to include all of these elements in order to get your hub published, but I would strongly recommend that you include at least the minimum amount of words, as well as a few pictures – your viewers aren’t going to stay on your page if their eyes to get a break from all the text!
For those of you who publish creative writing, your process is a bit more tricky. Rather than focusing on search engine traffic, you may need to move your efforts to social media and other platforms. You may also want to find likeminded hubbers who you can follow and take some direction from them.

Finally, make sure your title is a good one.
I’m all for people publishing catchy titles, but I also believe that it’s important to include at least some keywords in your title. You have to remember that when people search Google for something, they are using keywords.
Here’s an example of how I tried to put a little spin on long distance relationships in one of my hub titles:
5 People Who May Not Survive a Long Distance Relationship
There are plenty of articles out there talking about how you can save long distance relationships and make them work, but there are far fewer that talk about the other side. I thought to myself – hmmm, I wonder if I’ll get more traffic if I talk about who won’t be successful instead. What do you know – it worked!
I know these tips are pretty straightforward, but I wanted to make it that way on purpose. There is no secret formula for getting an insane amount of traffic to your pages. Instead of fretting over each and every view, start simply by writing what you know. I believe that if you are passionate about what you write and you stick with it, then you can find success on HubPages.
Any questions? I’d love to help you any way I can!
Hi there. I just recently received an invitation form a “random”, person that I met through an article I was reading. It was actually really cool because I’d been looking for other landing strips to get my writing some exposure. I was just asking myself this question earlier on how to gain some traffic on Hubpages and I did a search and landed here, “coincidently”. Thank you so much for the great info provided. My wife has been telling me for years to blog and write novels and children’s books and I finally dealt with the lil foxes that were stopping me so here I go.
Great article! Thank you for the information. It will help me down the road.