How to Keep Busy During These Times

When you’re stuck at home for days on end, it becomes hard to find things to do.

Here are a number of ways to stay busy while stuck at home.

There are only so many shows on Netflix and so many walks around the block you can take. Looking for a few other ideas? We’ve got you covered.

Re-organize your closet.

Tap into your inner Marie Kondo and get to organizing! There are a number of lines of thought behind tidying up and organizing your closet. One of the benefits of reorganizing is the joy it brings you and the decision fatigue that diminishes. When you have an organized closet, you feel better! First, remove any clothing you haven’t worn in a while and add it to a donate pile. A good rule of thumb is if you haven’t worn it in two seasons, you probably don’t need it. Also, creating sections in your close for different seasons or occasions makes your decision time in the morning go down when picking an outfit. Keep the clothes you wear the most in the easiest place to access. Organizing by color also is a fun way to set up your clothes and helps you put together outfits easier.

Learn a new recipe.

With all this extra time on your hands, why not treat yourself to a few home cooked meals? Need a solid list of items to purchase on a budget? Take a look at this list! One of our favorite places to check out recipes is Tasty by Buzzfeed. Not only do they have simple recipes that anyone can follow, but they also provide beautiful, step-by-step videos that are east to follow.

Get your body moving.

Not only can moving your body help boost your immune system and keep you healthy, but it’s a great way to break the “stay at home” blues. One of our favorites to stay active is by biking! But what bike is best for you? If you’re not sure exactly what you’re looking for, these are a few of the best hybrid bikes that allow you to bike on and off road. Want to bike with the whole family? Here are a few of the best step through bikes for seniors! (You know Grandma is going a little crazy just sitting on the couch.) What’s amazing about biking is it’s great for all shapes and sizes? There are bikes for heavy people, bikes for tall people, bikes for small people! Everyone can ride a bike. It’s the perfect exercise for all!

Take a free class online.

Now is the time to expand your mind! This is a great opportunity to come out on the other side with new mindsets or skills. Many universities and institutions are offering free online classes at this time! Take advantage of these offerings for a chance to be a better you. Harvard University, for example, has a slew of great offerings online. Take a look here!

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